Invitation to ‘More than a launch of Rwandan Dream NI Project’

Invitation to ‘More than a launch of Rwandan Dream NI Project’
We are launching CRAIC NI’s, ‘Rwandan Dream NI’ Project on Monday 16th November 2015 at 7pm at the Long Gallery, Parliament Buildings, Stormont. The evening will be more than a launch. It will enable the audience to experience some of the stories, music and discussions from survivors of  the Rwandan Genocide that underpin the purpose and hopes for the future of Rwandan Dream in Northern Ireland.
You are cordially invited by request of Brenda Hale MLA, Northern Ireland Assembly. 
Rwanda Dream NI
Rwandan Dream NI project aims to works with young people, youth leaders and leaders in communities to look at differences, embrace diversity and draw on comparisons of Rwanda and the Northern Ireland conflict.
The project will develop initiatives for peace and reconciliation and address the dangers of prejudice and division in Northern Ireland and Rwanda to work towards a peaceful and positive future. It will also bring people together to tackle the roots of prejudice, racism and sectarianism.
‘A hoe made small from loving work came to visit and together we cultivated our relationship. When united everything is possible.’
To Register for this event please email: to request an invitation reply form. Numbers are limited, first come first served basis. RSVP forms by 12th November.
We hope you can join us in this event to mark the launch of Rwandan Dream NI.

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